Lumière Noire by E.E.L. Ambiense

Written by Antony Leather

September 7, 2009 | 10:16

Tags: #acrylic #aluminium #water-cooling

Companies: #bit-tech #dremel #mod

More Cooling and Motherboard Shroud

Since the second loop is cooling the single graphics card as well as the north bridge, I chose to go with a triple radiator up top. I had my longtime friend, the Thermochill PA 120.3 to handle that.

After some close-calls, I was able to shoehorn this beast into the top and still have just enough room to get some miscellaneous wiring in up top as well as house the dual reservoir/pump combos and the fan controller. To match the rest of the case’s acrylic design, I came up with the following radgrill and the corresponding dual fill ports complete with the project logo/title.

Here are the actual pieces cut, as well as the holes cut in the stock case top for everything.

Lumière Noire by E.E.L. Ambiense More Cooling and Motherboard Shroud Lumière Noire by E.E.L. Ambiense More Cooling and Motherboard Shroud
Click to enlarge

These little DDC pumps put out some heat as well as the obvious water, so I designed a stealth plate that would do three things. Firstly it provides holes for running tubing to and from the pumps. It also provides a place to mount fans, and also wraps everything up in nice understated stealthiness (is that even a word?).

Lumière Noire by E.E.L. Ambiense More Cooling and Motherboard Shroud Lumière Noire by E.E.L. Ambiense More Cooling and Motherboard Shroud
Click to enlarge

Above are the actual piece cut, as well as 40mm fans being installed.

Lumière Noire by E.E.L. Ambiense More Cooling and Motherboard Shroud Lumière Noire by E.E.L. Ambiense More Cooling and Motherboard Shroud
Click to enlarge

I wanted a way to stealth the motherboard to tie it in with the rest of the build’s features, so I designed a shroud to cover a majority of the board, but also complimenting the other modifications simultaneously as well as allowing things to breath properly. The issue of graphics cards being able to fit was also addressed, to allow for (inevitable) upgrades. This is what I came up with.
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